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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany +49 30 24041420
[email protected]
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As a therapist, I am humanistic and client-centered. My core ethic is to be honest, transparent, and authentic. 

I am active and engaged during the session and very collaborative. My focus is always on the client’s goals rather than having a preordained agenda. Myriad issues lead people to therapy. Some seek practical advice to get through a difficult life transition, for others it is wanting to uncover and metabolize trauma that may have happened a very long time ago but continues to impact present life.

I don’t impose a frame on how long therapy should last; it should last as long as it’s helpful and that decision is up to you.

Sensitivity to the contexts that shape us informs my work; none of us is raised in a vacuum. Race, gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status all contribute to how we see ourselves and the world.

Finally, I am always learning and am drawn to evidence-based models that allow me to better help my clients.